Sunday, January 31, 2010

Media assists jihad in "cognitive warfare"

Cognitive Warfare -Richard Landes

Hamas and Hizbullah [have] pursued a strategy literally unknown in the history of warfare of maximizing their own civilians' deaths in order to turn people the world over against their designated enemies.

For Hamas, the media battlefield was their main concern. Indeed, they barely fought in the field. By echoing their accusations, journalists and organizations like Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, and the UN Human Rights Commission make this strategy a success; they make it "rational."

It is hard to imagine a more spectacular victory of the ruthless "weak" forces of an asymmetrical war, one that specifically encourages sacrifice of their own populations.

As long as the militarily weaker side can attack enemy civilians with impunity from the midst of their own civilians and have every attempt to strike back turned against the society that tries to protect itself from their aggression, they advance their cause.
(GLORIA Center, IDC Herzliya)

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