Sunday, March 16, 2008

Triple headed snake

The Care and Feeding of an Angry Territory -Jonah Goldberg

Hamas is mimicking Hizbullah, the Lebanese terrorist organization funded by Iran. Hizbullah masterminded the practice of launching rockets into Israel from civilian areas and then screaming "war crime" whenever Israel responded to the attacks.
(National Review)


Anonymous said...

I am totally frustrated by human rights groups who say that Israel must provide services to those in Gaza. The voters in Gaza elected Hamas, they knew what they were doing when the election was held. When is the world going to wake up to the avenue of responsibility? If France or England were asked to do the same what do you think the response would be? No way Jose!!! The Arabs countries are trying to destabize the Israeli government. It will not happen.

Joe Smiga

Bruce said...

I pray your assessment is correct. Hamas seems to be playing world opinion quite well.