Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Birds of a feather

Video of Egypt Helping Hamas Terrorists Cross Border
-Yaakov Katz, Herb Keinon, & Hilary Leila Krieger
Israel is sending video footage - which shows Egyptian security forces assisting Hamas terrorists cross illegally into Gaza - to the U.S. Congress to pressure Egypt to clamp down on Hamas smuggling activities.

The House and Senate agreed Sunday to hold back $100 million in military aid for Egypt...
(Jerusalem Post)


LHwrites said...

There is no logic to the way so many Arabs think and act in this situation. While some show a willingness to coexist, and others try for overtures of peace, members of their own communities are at the same time planning the next killings. It is a deadly situation and the answer still seems to elude us.

Bruce said...
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Bruce said...

There is a logic behind the facade. One has to concede that lying is part of the equation.

Egypt's perceives her interest as allowing Gaza to simmer, to keep such problems away from its own territory. They see Gaza as a siphon.

And perhaps the great unifier of the Arab world is rejectionism that goes back before Nasser.

The answer may have to be military in nature. The world has, thus far, prevented Israel from scoring a real victory and truely defeating the Palestinian's aspirations to destroy her.

Despite overt signals to the contrary, nationalism does not appear to be the Palestinian operating principle...