Thursday, December 14, 2006

Phillips on Bush

A terror so great we forgot it at once
-Melanie Phillips

[P]eople really do believe that the greatest threat to the world is not al Qaeda, not Ahmadinejad, but George W Bush. And that is the most terrifying thing of all.

1 comment:

LHwrites said...

Not the greatest, not by any means. But certainly, in his illegal actions here and throughout the world, he can be considered dangerous, to say the least. If his actions were carried out by any small nation's leader, they would be sanctioned by the UN and eventually tried for war crimes. Bush will be protected by America much better than he has protected America. If you go by sheer numbers of dead, the innocent Iraqis that were killed by the 10's of thousands during this war because they happened to be present in the wrong places at the wrong times, after having been oppressed all those years by Hussein, are they any less tragic than the 3000 victims of 9/11? They were all innocent and are all dead. The tortured hundreds, if not thousands, in American run Iraqi prisons, much less those held around the world, indefinately and without due process, also would have what to say, in weighing in on Bush. No Bush, isn't the worst, but he is much worse than neo conservative pundits would like to believe.